Terms and Conditions





INTER FINANCIAL SERVICES  was born as a differentiating and boutique alternative to the traditional financial advisory business. Its objective is to cover in a personalized way the needs of its clients, with emphasis on the definition of instruments of FOREIGN CURRENCY INTERMEDIATION. The commitment is to become partners of our clients in their decisions, giving them peace of mind and well-being, and intermediating the best and safest options on the market to make their money profitable.

INTER,  hoy  Latcam  Pagos  Internacionales, se  constituyó  en  la  ciudad  de Valparaíso  y  hoy  cuenta  con  sucursales  en  distintas  ciudades  del  país,  algunas  de  las  cuales funcionan de lunes a domingo, lo que hace posible tener cobertura a sus clientes en distintos servicios, generando además confianza, comodidad y seguridad para todos nuestros clientes.

Inter is an entity supervised and regulated by the Financial Analysis Unit, dependent on the Ministry of Finance, Government of Chile.

This will be the framework for any transaction requested by a client, whether by electronic, telephone or in-person means.

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions confirms that the client has fully read them.


Your privacy is important to us. It is Inter SA's policy to respect your privacy regarding any information that may be obtained on our website www.inter.cl, our application in strict compliance with the provisions of Law 19,628 that regulates the treatment and use of personal data. . We will only request your personal information when it is truly necessary to provide the service we provide, always obtaining this with your due knowledge and consent. We will keep a record of the personal information obtained as long as it is necessary to provide the service requested, keeping said information safe, protected from possible loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access to it, disclosure, copy, use or modification. in strict compliance with the provisions of the aforementioned law.

We will not share information publicly with third parties, except when required by law. You are free to refuse to provide the information, taking into account that by doing so it may not be possible to provide any of the services that you request from us. If you provide it, you may at any time request the information provided. found in our database and eventually correct if there are errors. Your continued use of our application will be considered acceptance of our privacy policies and use of personal information. If you have questions about how we handle your information, do not hesitate to contact us.



By accessing the Inter SA application, the user accepts these terms of service, thus accepting that they are responsible for compliance with local regulations. The client is requested not to access the service if he or she does not accept any of these terms. The application and all its contents are protected by intellectual property and trademark regulations.

2.-Use of Licenses

Temporary use of the application information and software on a personal, non-commercial and transitory basis is permitted.

It's not allowed:

➢Modify or copy the materials
➢Use of the materials in a commercial or public manner
➢Attempt to decompile any software contained in the Inter SA application
➢Remove any intellectual property rights or proprietary notices from the materials
➢Transfer the materials to another person or copy them to another server.

The conferred license of use will be removed if any of the restrictions established above are violated and may be terminated by Inter SA at any time. In either case, the user must destroy any material obtained from the application, whether digital or printed.

3.-Security and Confidentiality of Personal Data

Inter will not sell, rent, or negotiate with other companies the personal information of users, except in the forms and cases established in the privacy policy.

Inter will make its best efforts to maintain the confidentiality and security referred to in this section, but will not be liable for damages that may arise from the violation of said measures by third parties who use public networks or the Internet to access said information.

  1. Limitation of Liability

The user assumes responsibility for any damages arising from the user's use of the application, both to third parties and in no case will Latcam Pagos Internacionales SA be liable.

  1. Exemptions from liability for the use of the Platform by Latcam Pagos Internacionales SA

Inter will make reasonable means available to the User so that the contents and services included in the Platform are accurate and updated. However, Inter does not guarantee nor is it responsible for:
to. The continuity of the contents of the Platform and/or the lack of availability or accessibility of the Platform or technical continuity thereof;
b. The absence of errors in said content or products and services;
c. The absence of viruses and other harmful components in the Platform or in the server that provides it;
d. The invulnerability of the Platform and/or the impregnability of the security measures adopted therein;
and. Where applicable, the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents or services of the Platform;
F. The damages or losses caused, to himself or a third party, by any person who violates the conditions, rules and instructions established by the application or through the violation of its security systems;
g. Other damages that could be caused by reasons inherent to the non-functioning or defective functioning of the Platform or the websites to which, where appropriate, links may have been established.

6.-Accuracy of Materials

Inter may make changes to the materials contained in the application, without the need to notify users; however, this does not imply that the company undertakes to update said materials.

7.-Modifications to the Terms

Inter may revise these terms of service for its application, without the need to notify users. By using the application you are accepting the current version.

8.-Intellectual Property Rights

Inter, its application and the entire service for its application, its content, functionality and features (Including texts, software, screens, images, video and audio) are your property.

9.-Applicable Law

 These terms and conditions are regulated under the regulations of the Laws of the Republic of Chile, and the user irrevocably agrees to submit to its courts under this competence and jurisdiction.