50/20/30 Method… What is it about?

COVID-19, popularly known as coronavirus, has taken over conversations around the world: on the news, social networks and after dinner in the homes of the millions of people who are in quarantine, and those who could be affected. with this health measure, not only locally, but globally.

This virus has brought high-impact health consequences in many countries, as well as economic ones. Of course, the necessary measures to stop its advance and avoid the collapse of health systems inevitably bring with them difficulties in the economy of the various countries and, consequently, for the families that keep the economy circulating.

Therefore, it is important not to lose calm or respond with panic. With a good plan, you can face these complex times responsibly and proactively. We leave you some tips to face the crisis generated by the Coronavirus:
Follow health recommendations

Your health and well-being comes first. Please comply with the quarantine, isolation and hygiene measures recommended by the health authority of your country. In the case of Chile, that area corresponds to the MINSAL. An explosive spread of the virus could collapse the health system and, consequently, the health and economy at the country level, which will inevitably affect your family and personal finances. For this reason, among several other reasons, the first thing you should do is respect the voluntary or mandatory quarantine.

Avoiding contagion is essential.

Make a list of non-essential expenses, and exclude them for now
In a context in which the economy is becoming more complex, it is necessary to reevaluate your expenses. We all have several expenses that, in reality, are dispensable. Subscriptions and memberships to services that are not essential, purchases that you can pass up, etc. Arrange them in order of importance and analyze them carefully, you will realize that many of these expenses can be eliminated.

Minimize your accounts
Considering the health measures of voluntary or mandatory quarantine, you will be at home much more time than usual, or there will be more members of your family there, the expenses of basic services could increase this and the coming months, so we recommend Be careful with your water and energy consumption. Turn off the lights that you are not using, don't leave the water running if you are not using it, shower quickly and save, you won't believe how much you can save until you compare the accounts!


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