3 applications that will help you with your finances

Managing money is probably one of the most complex challenges for anyone. Financial education is not an area of knowledge that people are generally very exposed to. Considering that it is not listed as a subject in schools, if you did not have parents who were knowledgeable about the subject and/or who were skillful money managers, you probably learned everything you know on your own, based on trial and error... And that's okay! Experience is the best teacher.

If you are in this situation, it is likely that you find yourself continually looking for new tools to help you better control your finances... Guess what! Your Smartphone could be your best friend in this task. Below we leave you with three applications that will help you manage your money better.

  1. Whallet

Has it happened to you that the end of the month is coming and you don't know how the money slipped through your fingers? It usually happens... Unless you use Whallet! This application allows you to organize and order your income and expenses, an essential habit for a healthy economy. It is available for both iPhone and Android and is free.

  1. Toshl Finance

One of the most complete applications to manage your finances on a day-to-day basis, available for both iPhone and Android. This app will allow you to create budgets in different periods (daily, weekly, monthly), transfer surpluses between the different budgets and, even, export the data, either to Excel, Word, Google Docs, Text file and PDF, what are you waiting for? to download it?

  1. Spendee

This digital tool will be a great help for your finances, since it allows you to create categories for your income and expenses, in addition to creating alerts that tell you when you are going over your budget or when you are making unnecessary expenses. Also very interesting are the analytical functions of this application, which show you the various aspects of your finances through graphs and tables, a visually attractive way of presenting the information that will surely make it easier for you to understand.

Technology is at your disposal! If you make good use of it, you and your pocket will benefit, be sure to try these applications!


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